Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Manly Beach

Per Brianne's recommendation, I made a day trip out to Manly - a half hour ferry ride from Sydney.  It's a really quaint little spot with lots of oceanside restaurants and cafes and very clear casual, beachy vibe.  Inevitable given that it's surrounded by water.  Not much to do in Manly besides enjoy the beaches, so that's exactly what I did.

Behind me is Shelley Beach where I spent most of my afternoon.

I also checked out Oceanworld in Manly (part of a 4 attraction pass that I bought).  This was by far my favourite creature there:

Cuttlefish!  Sort of like a squid, but not.  Such a strange little creature...
It was a very fishy day as I went to the Sydney Aquarium as well that night when I got back from Manly.  I can't remember exactly what this is called, but it's something like a leafy seahorse - very apt I'd say.


  1. Sounds great Shan. I'm jealous. Your pictures are great but the early ones were large and can be used for wallpaper. These are tiny!!

  2. So nice to see you not all bundled up and freezing! You are definitely missing some chilly weather here. Frost yesterday!
    Love you oxoxoxo

  3. Cuttlefish are neat. Their bones wash up on beaches. Bleached white and hard foam like. miles

  4. Our budgie Peet has a cuttlefish bone in her cage (for calcium and grinding her beak down). Now that I see the fish, I feel a little creeped out by the bone...
