Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Arrived Safely

I am writing this from Australia!  I finally got here!  Since I have yet to actually do anything here, this will be quick.  Just wanted to let you know that I made it here safely.  The flight was pretty uneventful.  Did my best to sleep a bit - though didn't get much in.  Watched a few movies: Sex and the City 2 (terrible - glad I left it for the plane), It's Complicated (good girly movie), Letters from Juliet (good girly movie until they ruined it with a grossly cheesy ending) and The Princess and the Frog (no idea, slept through most of it).  Despite being told that the Australian customs people are all major hardasses they didn't give me any trouble.  Other than that, nothing to report.

Oh, I know I've mentioned to a few people that I would be posting about my time in Arizona.  That's still coming - I hoping to be able to upload a couple more photos first and haven't found a place to do it.

Over and out for now!


  1. Testing testing ! Can I comment now? Just need to think of a comment. Have fun.

  2. I hate to admit it but I recently watched Sex and the City 2. Awful. Awful awful. I want my 2 hours back.
