Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodbye Melbourne - I love you!

I recently realized that all I've posted is what I've gotten up to and very little about the city of Melbourne itself.  I quite liked it - it actually reminded me a bit of Vancouver.  The city seems to be relatively relaxed and casual particularly St. Kilda, which is where I stayed, and you can get any type of food your tummy craves (though this seems to be common throughout Australia).  A few things I really liked about Melbourne:
  • Excellent public transit - it was incredibly easy to get around.
  • The way they've embraced street art.  You see very little actual graffiti in the city because they've provided sanctioned areas for this and some stunning artwork comes out of it.
  • How historic and modern architecture are both fully embraced and juxtaposed with each other, like so:

Oh, I also love how I hear old music (90s and early 00s) all the time.  This doesn't seem to be specific to Melbourne.  It's a total throwback and a nice break from the constant repetition of top 40 music back home.

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