Thursday, November 4, 2010

Brisbane Part 4: Halloween

My last weekend in Brisbane was Halloween.  While not historically celebrated in Australia, the Aussies to seem to be picking up on the awesomeness of Halloween.  A few stores had decorations up and I managed to scrounge up a cheap packaged costume.  The options were still pretty basic Halloween: ghost, witch, vampire, pirate.  Jon and Kieran's building had even set up trick-or-treating for the kids (you were given a balloon to put on your door if you were participating).  So we had a couple groups stop by (one of which included an apparently confused girl who was wearing moose antlers and claiming she was an antelope) before we headed off to a costume party.

Pirate Shannon and rocker Kieran.

Pirate Shannon and bogan (Aussie term for redneck) Jon.  No, his tattoos aren't real.

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