Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brisbane Part 1: The Return

I had the pleasure of spending 10 glorious days in Brisbane with my friends from back home, Kieran and Jon.  For those that don't know, they are living in Brissy for about 2 years while Kieran goes to law school.  I was definitely ready for both some stability and some familiar faces.  They have a lovely apartment in Southbank with a view of the river where I had the luxury of my own bedroom and bathroom.  Such a nice change!  Views from their balcony:

My stay was filled with relaxing evenings with Kieran and Jon, long wanders downtown and around the West End (just as confusing as Vancouver's West End), trips to The Plough (a local pub with live music), catching up with Emma (who I met in Byron) and just generally enjoying Brisbane.  It's a lovely city.

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